
You can find me on Twitter and Github. My Discord handle is ms337#6016.

You can email me at: f"{my_first_name}@{this_domain_name}".

What to Contact Me For

I enjoy helping founders out on the weekends with technical input, strategy and questions of product market fit.

The best way I believe I help is to sanity check your thinking, help you devise strategy and push the scope of your idea. 

The most common mistake I think founders make is that they chase a version of their idea that sounds plausible and is close to what already exists, instead of permuting it to something which is singular and can be big. I act as a sounding board to your exploration of your idea’s idea maze, discuss why what you are building towards is an inevitable state in the world, and strategize its execution and realization with you.

I am also happy to provide specific technical input to founders, engineers and investors on LLM training, data infrastructure and build systems and products around LLMs.

I do this purely as an intellectual interest, so please don’t use this as a hiring call :)